Most favourite and least favourite topics in ST5

Discussion in 'SP5' started by Graham Aylott, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. Graham Aylott

    Graham Aylott Member

    Which are your most favourite and least favourite topics in ST5 - and more importantly, why do you like or dislike them?
  2. bobbathejobba

    bobbathejobba Member

    Will the real regulation step forward please!

    Favourite has to be the 301 stuff - after all I sat it before! :D

    I found the regulation chapters so-oo dull and the confusion between the old 301 regulation (Chapter 7) and the new stuff in Chapter 8 did my head in. It's like what is the difference - can't it be connected together by the Profession - so I know what are the aims, etc. Otherwise I'm just learning different lists for the same things depending on which chapter the question is on....

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