Marking the model

Discussion in 'CA2' started by Viki2010, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    are you penalised for calculation errors in your model?
  2. ntickner

    ntickner Very Active Member

    (Old thread, but nobody else is answering it...)


    There are 10 marks in the schedule for techniques. You have these by default, and only lose them if you make a mistake. This includes:

    - doing things wrong (monthly instead of annual interest, etc)
    - making incorrect assumptions (only where this contradicts what you've been told in the paper)
    - copying and pasting as values
    - hardcoding parameter inputs in formulas
    - Not pointing out where formulas don't copy down / across.

    If you make a mistake, you just lose the one mark, and the examiner will follow it through from there. So you won't lose another by describing your incorrect method in the audit trail, for example. And if your results are different enough to come to different conclusions, you should get marks for pointing those out as well, even if they're not in the marking schedule.

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