Level Risk Premium Renisurance

Discussion in 'SP2' started by JamesCarlyle, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. JamesCarlyle

    JamesCarlyle Member

    Can someone explain the cashflows that would go on in level risk premium reinsurance? Either for Individual surplus or quota share.

    The reinsurer provides the cedant with a set of premium rates and the cedant loads their own costs into these rates. Presumably the cedant receives the full premium from the pholder and then pays a certain amount of each premium to the reinsure based on the reinsurers original rates and the proportion that is being reinsured.

    Is that correct?


  2. Lynn Birchall

    Lynn Birchall ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hi James

    Yes, the cashflows you've described sound correct to me. :)

  3. JamesCarlyle

    JamesCarlyle Member

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