Is Flash Cards Of Use For CT3?

Discussion in 'CT3' started by jcj, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. jcj

    jcj Member


    Does Anyone think Flash Cards will be of good use?
  2. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    I don't think so. They are mostly taken directly from the core reading and are way too concise. They also contain a lot of numerical problems so it is not exactly practical to be sitting on a train with a big pile of cards, a calculator and a pen attempting problems that are nowhere near exam level difficulty, i think this defeats their purpose since they are supposed to be used when you arn't doing formal study. You would probably benefit more from constructing your own flashcards consisting mainly of definitions/bookwork to help you remember what you need to know to get the "easy" marks on the exam.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2010
  3. dopeyS

    dopeyS Member

    Personally I only ever find flashcards helpful if I have made them myself. Creating them acts as part of my revision process and a formula per card can act as a good reference.

    I created flashcards for CT3 and they helped me but it depends how you will use them as to whether they are a valuable use of your time
  4. prmenon

    prmenon Member

    I am big fan of the flash cards.The author has really done a great job.
    I have been using flash card for my CT2,CT7 ,CT3 and CT6. It is wonderful tool to learn the concepts after you have finished reeding the course notes. Some of the concepts are better explained in the flash cards.It gives additional steps for some the derivation in the Core Reading.

    It has really helped me in learning through the notes and for my exam.I consider my self has "exam prepared" if i can recall all the flash cards.

    I was struggling with CT6 core reading but the flash cards really helped me to solidify my understanding, especially GLM, Time series and lot more.

    Go for it because it has every formula detailed which we may miss in the core reading.

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