Inconsiderate flatmates

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by Leila, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. Leila

    Leila Member

    Does anyone else find sharing a flat with non-actuaries a nightmare? I find it hard to study as my flatmate is constantly waking me up so I rarely get a good night's sleep at the weekend and even on my study day he has a host of cleaners and builders swarming around the place... The builder didn't leave until 8.30pm this evening! I think an actuarial flatmate service would be good esp in London where it is too expensive to buy your own place as a student.
  2. Perhaps you could convince your flatmates to take up actuarial exams - that might solve the problem.:D
  3. Are you getting a new kitchen/bathroom/soundproof study area out of this building work? It may be worth it when it's finished.

    Until that time - can you study in empty meeting rooms at work in the evening?
  4. ...or even in your local library if it has a good study area.
  5. Leila

    Leila Member

    Living in the office!

    I don't think my flatmate is considerate enough to soundproof a room for me. I detest local libraries as they don't have a loo, you can't eat or drink and they are frequented by crazy tramps who smell and disturb me. Plus on Sundays there are hardly any libraries open and those that are are only open from 1.15-4pm... My solution is spending all my life in the office. The only problem is being woken up at 3 in the morning (my flatmate was too drunk to find his keys on Saturday night and insisted on ringing the doorbell incessantly) so that I am too tired to study the next day.
    Maybe a sleeping bag in the office at weekends?!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2007
  6. Sounds like you've just got an inconsiderate flatmate - how about moving to another flat? Or getting a new flatmate...
  7. ActStudent

    ActStudent Member

    Is there no library with decent opening hours in London? Or is it too far away?

    Is it very expensive to rent an empty flat just for yourself?
  8. LouiseF

    LouiseF Member


    Try a fiance and his smelly younger brother in a two room flat!!!!

    All they do is drink beer and watch tv. Constantly rubbing my nose in the fact that I have to study and they don't!! But I'm being a little unfair - my fiance does cook all my meals for me :D .

    Might try that suggestion of making them take up exams too....

    Seriously though, I totally agree that the whole thing would be much simpler if one lived alone. Personally if I lived with another student I think the competiveness would kill me. I'd spend my whole time wondering if they were doing more study than me, and not actually do any myself!

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