If you had one super-natural power...

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by debonair, May 17, 2006.

  1. debonair

    debonair Member

    If you had one super-natural power, what would it be and why? For me...

    Power: To be able to fly at will
    Reason: Hate waiting for trains which usually turn-up late.
  2. ekla_cholo_re

    ekla_cholo_re Member

    be able to read people's minds....that would have made my life a lot easier
  3. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    power: photographic memory

    reason: to pass all exams in a single sitting
  4. veeko

    veeko Member

    Power: To be able to see at least 5 or 6 hours into the future

    Reason: Win lottery!!
  5. madge

    madge Member

    Power: I would really love to be able to move objects around purely by willing it to happen so that I never had to do any physical tidying or cooking.

    Reason: I'm really lazy
  6. Abi

    Abi Member

    Power: To instil common sense in others

    Reason: It would give me an extra 20 hours a day to do the things I actually want to do.
    (Would take flying as a close second!)
  7. LouiseF

    LouiseF Member

    Power: to turn invisible at will

    Reason: avoiding horrible work tasks - hiding under my desk isn't working out that well for me at the moment!!!
  8. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    Power: To be able to shoot lasers out of my eyes

    Reason: Sort people out whenever they mess about with me without putting much effort.... I'm often a target of practical jokes and I don't like fights
  9. jonbon

    jonbon Member

    Power: Wouldn't mind the power which Mystique in X-Men has..change your appearance at will.

    Reason: for fun.
  10. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    Power: The ability to time travel back in my past and then return to current time.

    Reason: Because I'd like to change a few things!
  11. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    Power: To be able to travel to any place just by thinking of that place

    Reason: I like being lazy
  12. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Power: To have endless patience

    Reason: To cope better with three children and a car that keeps breaking.
  13. hi5

    hi5 Member

    Speaking of which, how easy is it to work, study and look after kids? Would u recommend marriage before qualifying?

    (The question is open to anyone with similar experience)
  14. Rosencruz

    Rosencruz Member

    Leap buildings in a single bound....

    Reason: Save waiting for the lifts, and just imagine how many calories you'd burn...
  15. Da Mactuary

    Da Mactuary Member

    Power: To be very attractive.
    Reason: You do the math
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2009
  16. parnell

    parnell Member

    Power: To be able to pass my actuarial exams

    Reason: Whatcha mean that's not a super-natural power ?
  17. Simon_P

    Simon_P Member

    Can I change the question - if you had a slightly useless superpower what would it be?

    Power: To get instantaneously and impenetrably fluffy with a quiet 'poof' sound.

    Reason: Imagine being hit by a car... 'poof'... and you're fine.
    Trouble down the local? 'poof'...
    Falling off a building or out a plane? 'Poof'...

    Originally came on for something about CT3, alas...
  18. laimin

    laimin Member

    Power:Let the girl that I love fall in love with me
    Reason:I'm single:D
  19. jensen

    jensen Member

    1. To pause time and everyone around so I could take anything I want!
    2. X-ray vision!
  20. hello

    hello Member

    Be invisible. I'd love to be a fly on the wall for some conversations....especially at work!!!

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