IAI Q31 Net Indirect taxes

Discussion in 'CT7' started by dextar, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. dextar

    dextar Member

    Following table contains some national income related facts about an economy

    Wages 235
    Rent 110
    Interest 140
    Profit 135
    Consumption 345
    Government Spending (excluding Transfer Payments) 215
    Investment 330
    Exports 95
    Imports 115
    Net factor Income from abroad 120
    Depreciation 50

    Calculate value of Net Indirect Taxes (Indirect Taxes – Subsidies).

    My point is wages+rent+interest +profit will gives GVA at basic prices and C+G+I+NX would give GDP at market prices. Substracting both these should give the answer.
    But the solution says wages+rent+interest +profit =Net domestic product at factor prices so they subtracted depreciation to get net indirect taxes. Can anyone explain why wages+rent+interest +profit =net domestic product at factor prices rather than GDP at factor prices?
  2. Margaret Wood

    Margaret Wood Member

    I agree with you. GDP at market prices (using the expenditure method) is 870. GDP at factor cost or basic prices (using the income method) is 620. So therefore net indirect taxes should be 250.

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