IAI May 2010 Q32

Discussion in 'CT7' started by dextar, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. dextar

    dextar Member

    An economy is characterized by following equations:
    C = 100 + cYd =100 + 0.75Yd,
    I = 45,
    G = 80,
    T = 20 + 0.20Y,
    R = 40,
    X = 40,
    M = 30 + 0.10Y,
    where C is consumption function, c is marginal propensity to consume, Yd is
    Disposable income (Y – T + R), I is autonomous investment, G is autonomous
    government purchases, T is tax function, Y is level of income, R is autonomous
    transfer payments by the government, X is autonomous exports, M is import function.
    Find equilibrium income.

    I approached it as
    but solution is saying
    Y= C+ c(Y – T –tY + R) + I + G +X – M – mY

    Can anyone pls explain this expression.
  2. Margaret Wood

    Margaret Wood Member

    This is a really difficult question and one that should no longer be asked. The aggregate demand function used in the textbook is much simpler as consumption is now a function of national income rather than disposable income.

    There are two ways of finding the equilibrium income:

    (1) aggregate demand = aggregate supply
    (2) planned injections = planned withdrawals.

    I think you were trying to do the second method (though I think you wrote W where you should have had J, ie Y=Cd +J=Cd+W, which comes down to finding Y such that J=W).

    Using (1) as the examiners have done:

    Agg demand = Agg supply (output=GDP=Y)
    C+I+G+X-M = Y
    100+0.75Yd +45+80+40 -30-0.1Y = Y
    235 +0.75Yd-0.1Y = Y
    235+0.75(Y-T+R)-0.1Y = Y
    235+0.75(Y-20-0.2Y+40)-0.1Y = Y
    235+0.75(20+0.8Y)-0.1Y = Y
    235+15+0.6Y-0.1Y = Y
    250+0.5Y = Y
    So Ye = 500.

    Using (2) J=W, which is probably harder in this case:

    J = I+G+X = 45+80+30 = 165

    W = S+T*+M where T* = T-R
    S = Y-C=Y-(100+0.75Yd) = -100+0.25Yd
    = -100+0.25(Y-T+R) = -100+0.25(20+0.8Y)
    = -100+5+0.2Y = -95+0.2Y
    T*= 20+0.2Y-40 = -20+0.2Y
    M = 30+0.1Y
    So W =-95+0.2Y-20+0.2Y+30+0.1Y = -85+0.5Y

    So setting J=W
    165 = -85+0.5Y
    250 = 0.5Y
    Ye = 250

    This is really nasty and I hope the examiners won't ask anything as difficult as this one!
  3. dextar

    dextar Member

    waho nice work!!
    Thanks a lot for detailed explanation.
    In general, if the equilibrium is not there and Planned injections is not equal to planned withdrawls
    Am I correct? That is the reason I tried writing Y=Cd+W
  4. Margaret Wood

    Margaret Wood Member

    I'm not sure what you mean by equilibrium not being there.

    You usually have to find equilibrium by either of the two methods:

    1. aggregate demand (E) = aggregate supply (Y)
    2. planned injections (J) = planned withdrawals (W)

    These two are equivalent since:

    aggregate demand (E) = C+I+G+X-M = Cd +J
    income (Y) = Cd +S+T+M = Cd + W

    So setting E = Y is the same as setting Cd +J = Cd + W, ie J =W.

    So what you have said, ( ie Y = Cd + W and E = Cd +J ) is correct but you won't find equilibrium by using one of these equations; you have to put the two equations together.

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