How to pass SA subject?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Michael_RUS, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. Michael_RUS

    Michael_RUS Member


    I have got a FA for the second time consecutively for Specialist Applications subject GI. I am getting frustrated. I wanted to have views of others who were in the same situation as me before and eventually passed. Do I need to change SA subject as SA3 has got low pass rates anyway and change to say SA6 where pass rates are higher? Your views will be much appreciated.


  2. Muppet06

    Muppet06 Member

    Additional Reading?


    Sorry for piggybacking off your thread, but I'm sitting SA3 for the first time in April. Is there much additional reading required for this exam? Or will the Course Notes suffice?

  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    Going bacl to the original qn... don't change.

    Is the SA you are working in, your current practise area? That probably will help.

    Don't rely on pass rates to pick the subject. You have to like it and be interested in it to cope. Plus if you change and go for a job not linked to your SA you will need a far better answer than that had the best pass rates.

    If you are really fed up, why not skip a sitting?

    Otherwise, find something new eg have you had tutorials? If not, give that a whirl. You could try counselling to try and find out that way what could make a difference.

    Everyone gets fed up about failing particularly FA, but believe me, victory is all the more sweet when the pass comes.

    Hope 2009 will be your year. Make a Decision & go for it!!!
  4. Michael_RUS

    Michael_RUS Member

    Thanks bystander.

    Muppet06, you sure need to do extra readings but that does not mean you are guaranteed to pass. It does help to be aware of current issues in GI.

  5. inthebag

    inthebag Member

    I just passed SA4 for the umpteenth time of asking so definitely hang in there. Working in a different subject area now and was considering trying another SA with higher pass rate but decided to stick with SA4 as I knew the subject.

    Wouldn't recommend skipping a sitting either.....just keep at it and eventually through the knowledge of past exam papers you'll get there.

    Also, as with all the exams I guess, pick a question to start with you know you can score highly'll give you the confidence to go on and challenge the harder Qs positively knowing you have guaranteed marks under your belt. It will also set the tone with the examiner who may give you the benefit of the doubt in the harder Qs.

    good luck
  6. shyguy

    shyguy Member

    Are you studying/working hard enough?

    The pressures on you for time (versus work, family, social life etc), health, effort, levels of concentration, poor exam technique, poor memory etc can be found out at the SA level - especially as you get older.
    If you can honestly say you put in all the effort you did when you were passing the other exams then you have no worries...and you should get it eventually with or without exam counselling...
    As I have discovered poor technque, lack of effort and motiviation do hinder (on SA3) leading to FA at best or FB at worse. The new reading for SA3 has been deferred for a year depriving me of a new source of motivation and making it easier to find other things to do such as nothing or watching tv rather than studying or further reading.

    Good luck!

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