How soon to restart?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by leafy, Apr 18, 2006.


Exams over! yay! But when do you restart the revision?

Poll closed Jun 17, 2006.
  1. Already ordered my set and will jump straight back in!

    10 vote(s)
  2. Give it a couple of weeks, I need a break.

    10 vote(s)
  3. Hold your horses. Let's see how the last lot went first!

    4 vote(s)
  1. leafy

    leafy Member

    Just a quick poll.
    I've recently finished my first exam sitting in April. The results don't come out until June, but I would like to sit some exams in September.

    I was wondering how soon people leave it after the exams before they order the next set of revision notes and start revising again? I want to give myself a break before I start, but how long do other people give themselves? Also, since June is too late to wait I'm going to have to start revising now before I know my results from April. If people have had resits have they tried to re-revise for them straight away or skip a sitting?

  2. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    think you've got to start within a few weeks to give yourself a good chance. Hear lots of stories of people who wait until after results but perhaps that's one reason why the pass rates are so low (although there will be exceptions).
    could always pick up a resit alongside one new one.

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