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How marks are distributed in Construction of account Questions

Discussion in 'CB2' started by Khoa, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. Khoa

    Khoa Member

    I was wondering anyone could clarify how the examiner marks Q20 sept 2014 paper? How many marks I would lose If I make errors in the calculation or left out the a cashflow etc.. but my method is correct?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Calm

    Calm Ton up Member

    Hi, this looks like a CB1/CT2 question, because question 20 in CB2/CT7 will always be MCQ, in which case you simply lose all 1.5 marks you could possibly get (or try recalculating, if it happens to not match a possible option).

    Looking at mark schemes of more recent papers does give the breakdown of how marks are given btw.

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