how long needed to take exam?

Discussion in 'CT1' started by ActEddie, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. ActEddie

    ActEddie Member

    Hi everyone, I am wondering how long approximately is necessary to study for an exam. I am thinking of taking my first exams in September (CT1 and CT3 maybe), I havent done any study so far. Is this realistic or have I left it too late? I could probably fit in around 10-15 hours study per week.
  2. Monkey_Mike

    Monkey_Mike Member

    CT1 and CT3 are the best ones to try, some people wont start studying the next set proper until they get exam results... (like me with CT8)
  3. ActEddie

    ActEddie Member

    so you think there is still time? with exams in about 10 weeks that would give me only around 100 - 150 hours total preparation, i have no idea if thats enough.
  4. bystander

    bystander Member

    In the actuaries recommendations, they say c 150 hours per subject for a CT dependent on how much background you have.

    Good luck!
  5. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Member

    100 hours is probably enough as long as you revise efficiently. My advice would be to get through the notes as quickly as possible and put most of your focus on the past papers. If you have an understanding of first year university statistics then the final chapter in the notes (roughly worth 10-20 percent of the exam) is really straightforward.

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