How about "broad brush" method for Non-Prop reinsurance reservig

Discussion in 'SP7' started by Smith, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Smith

    Smith Very Active Member

    in Page 18, Chapter 23 of course notes, the method of broad brush, the applicaton towards proportional business have been stated well in detail, but respect of non-proportional business, not specified. Could you make up for overall knowledge?

    thanks and regards,
  2. Katherine Young

    Katherine Young ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    The method is the same, for both proportional and non-proportional reinsurance. Just imagine you multiply the gross reserves by a percentage to get the net reserves

    Of course, this is more intuitive for proportional reinsurance. For non-proportional reinsurance you would need to spend rather more time considering what that percentage should be.

    You should have a think for yourself why that percentage would be difficult to estimate.

    You should also look at Question 7 from September 2012.

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