help on ct7

Discussion in 'CT7' started by Pookie, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. Pookie

    Pookie Member

    Hi, I am taking ct7 for the third time now:( . I am currently reading the "economics for business"text book.Any tips of what to do and read to pass it this time?:confused:

    I would appreciate it if someone can talk me through this. I do not want to do this again. I always prefer calculations.
  2. roisedub

    roisedub Member

    Hey - i'm sitting the exam this session for the first time, so i'm not sure how much help i'll be. considering there's virtually no calculations in the module, my advice would be to just learn as many definitions as possible. they'll probably help you in the multiple choice questions. i find that the examples in the textbook (green boxes) are helpful if there's a section i can't really see applying in a real life situation.

    hope this helps!
  3. Charlie

    Charlie Member

    Presumably you've read the textbook and course notes several times already, so I think it might be a good idea to immerse yourself in past questions, and only really revisit the textbook/course notes if there's something that you don't understand.

    Have you been on an ActEd tutorial? That might be a good idea if you're having problems.

    When I had a tutorial, my tutor said that we should attempt at least 8 past papers' worth of multiple-choice and short-answer questions, but that we should go back as far as we possibly can with long-answer questions, as questions are sometimes recycled. However if this is an exam you're struggling with, maybe it would be a good idea to attempt more than this if possible. I think CT7 is a subject where practice really does help, as a lot of questions are quite similar from year to year.

    The ActEd revision notes are good as they include about 10 years' worth of past paper questions - and they have been made relevant where the syllabus has changed over the years - but obviously you can get the original questions off the Institute website for free if you can't get hold of the revision notes.

    This is what I'd do anyway...

    I hope this helps! :)
  4. Pookie

    Pookie Member

    Thanks Guys. I have the past questions already. I will dwell more on them repeatedly.:) . I look forward to sharing my success testimony with you all :D .
  5. maz1987

    maz1987 Member

    The checklists at the back of each chapter are very helpful, since they are very similar to exam questions.

    By checklists, I mean "make sure you can define...." etc.

    If you can go through and answer all those questions, then I see no reason why you can't get a very decent mark, since these cover all the course notes, and exam questions don't ask you to think about much beyond what is explicitly written in the notes.

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