Healthcare versus general vs investments

Discussion in 'Careers' started by Goku, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. Goku

    Goku Member

    Hi friends,

    I would like to know from you in brief what work your'll do on a daily basis (and monthly or yearly, if its of any help). The fields of work from which I would like responses are: Healthcare, Investments and General Insurance.

    I work in a banking environment and the work I do is very interesting: includes calculating probabilites of default, loss-given default (default occurs when a person can not meet his debt) and design rating systems which score customers on the basis of their risk to the bank; in a nutshell, heaps of applied stats, a fair amount of statistical programming and a small dose of applied actuarial concepts.

    I look forward to your replies. The more the merrier!:)

    Kind regards,


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