
Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by didster, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. didster

    didster Member

    Does anyone have any good suggestions on improving your handwriting. Have any of you tried anything that worked well.

    I'm looking for ways to improve the speed at which I write as well as the legibility.

    The problem is that the only time I write anything is for these exams and the associated study.

    I'm not sure I would be able to merely copy out an ASET solution for an ST subject in 3 hours, never mind think up some answers and perform any calculations as well.

    (yes I know that I don't need to write out everything in an ASET solution to pass, but it is one area where improvement may help)
  2. I'd say the only way is to practise?

    try writing out the solutions (maybe the writing will imprint it on your mind :D )

    Generally I'd guess speed up => legibility down (for me anyway).

    Have you tried print vs cursive? sometimes it's easier to write one than the other (i.e. faster to write cursive as you don't need to pick your pen up; but sometimes less legible).
  3. I have terrible handwriting and found that writing so large that I cover two lines made things more legible and meant I could speed up.

    It does mean you tend to freak out the people sitting near you by asking for loads more paper.

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