Hands up who is taking CT6 in 57 days argh!!!

Discussion in 'CT6' started by Hamilton, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. Hamilton

    Hamilton Member

    So I want predictions , whats coming up , ive been concentrating on the dead cert bits so far
    Run off triangles
    Bayesian game stuff
    and hopefully that will bring me somewhere near a pass , but what else is def coming up , thinking creditability prob rear its head along with monte carlo
    ( which is so very boring to look over ) .
    So any advice welcome on what bits I should be looking over .

    Now off to write the
    Hands up who is taking CT1 in 50 days argh !!! thread ha
  2. Anna Bishop

    Anna Bishop ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hello, if you look back at past exams for CT6, you'll notice that they are pretty good at testing nearly all the chapters! So no benefits in second guessing ... :-(

    Current examiners seem hot on ruin theory and compound distributions. Haven't had a tricky reinsurance question for a while.

  3. Hamilton

    Hamilton Member

    Fair enough but..

    thats exactly what I would say if I was teaching the course .What a wonderful world you must live in Anna where a question like sept 2008 no. 11 isnt tricky. ha.
    Yeah reinsurance isnt that bad really , hadnt ever used the cdf of the normal before ,though that was new . Compound distributions is def going to be on the exam ill stick my neck out that far and I had forgot about the ruin stuff need to look over that .
    Wanting the biggest longest question on arma , let me spend 5 mins calculating eigenvalues in the exam that would be great and even more matrices in the form of NCD question , and is a 20 mark question on bayesian decision making out of the question lol. I can also see them asking the def of ARCH on the test . So everyone dont mind Anna she is only trying to make sure I dont do something stupid like leave out 30% of the course , all i want is to nail the common exam questions , nothing worse than getting a question you cant even start then realize it was on the paper 3 years ago. So give me predictions !

    Oh and 54 days to go now argh!!!
  4. Anna Bishop

    Anna Bishop ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Believe you me, we acted tutors are human too and also struggle on the hard questions. :eek:

    But, exam technique is key - get a hard question - everyone will find it hard - no point spending ages in the exam panicking and trying to work it out. Move on, find a bit of a question you can do. You can still pass CT6 even if you leave out a big question - have seen this happen to loads of students.

    Also, did you know you can answer the paper in any order? Eg Q10(ii), Q8, Q4(iii) etc. Just make sure each part is clearly labelled at the top of the page and on the page itself. And this is a comment from someone who has marked


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