General Random walk

Discussion in 'CT4' started by rajeev, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. rajeev

    rajeev Member


    In the definition of General Random walk it is said to have stationary independent is obvious that the increments are
    independent......but what does stationarity means we need
    to consider X(t+u)-X(t) for all t and u at the same time and try to prove that
    they form a stationary process or do we have to fix the length u = 1 in which
    case we get the dicrete white noise as a single step increments (which is stationary)

  2. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    I would consider the distribution of the increments directly, as opposed to x(t+u)-x(t).

    They are stationary if their statistical properties do not change over time.

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