Frequency for histograms

Discussion in 'CA2' started by Snowy, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Snowy

    Snowy Member

    How can we use arrays to get the frequency of observations for histograms, like in project 1?
  2. PlainSong

    PlainSong Member

    Frequency function

    I don't think they expect you to know about array formulae for CA2.

    You can use the frequency function like any other function by clicking on the fx button next to the formula bar and asking for the function you want. Just tell the wizzard what ranges you want to use and let Excel worry about how to set up the arrays. Click on the Help part of the wizzard for details on how the function works.
  3. David Hopkins

    David Hopkins Member

    You wouldn't be expected to be able to use array functions to prepare histograms for CA2. The Worked Example in the ActEd Notes shows one way you can do this using basic Excel functions. If you set up a column with the boundaries you want to use for the bands, you can then use the COUNTIF function to find the number of entries that are less than each boundary. Then you can subtract these cumulative totals to find the number falling in each band.

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