Forum time-zone

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by shdh, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. shdh

    shdh Ton up Member

    I was wondering why don't my posts show the time at which I post them.
    What's the time zone followed for this forum?
  2. Pede

    Pede Member

    log in, click on your name at the top right (next to 'inbox'), select 'preferences', and take your pick.
  3. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    It says "Yesterday at 2.02PM" for me.
  4. India and UK have a time difference of 4:30 hours.
    When we are logged in, we see our posts as per the Indian time and when we're not logged in, it shows according to the UK time.
    This is the reason I guess

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