Formulae and Tables for Actuarial Examinations

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Emilia Nighthaven, May 30, 2008.

  1. Hello there... my manager suggests that i should get used to the formulae and tables before the exams. but neither of us know how to get the 2nd edition. Does anyone know how different it is between the two editions? better if, is there a publication office in london where i can buy the 1st edition?

    Thanks :p
  2. Cardano

    Cardano Member

  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    Good manager!

    Yes you need the most up to date version. Over time you will learn standard formulae but when the heat is on, the formulae are invaluable.

    Be warned that some formulae you need to be able to derive. But if its just a standard one you want and a qn doesn't say derive, just use it.

    Tables do change although infrequently. Any changes are alerted by the Institute so you won't ever got an unfamiliar book in the exam.

    Enjpy the challenges ahead!
  4. thanks bystander!

    thanks Cardano, but the links are not working.. i guess it's temporarily unavailable. i'll try it later but thanks :)
  5. Cardano

    Cardano Member

    Emilia - sorry it was working when I put it up. You can definitely buy old and new tables from the Institute publications shop
  6. 12345

    12345 Member

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