Focus on ST4 chapters for SA4

Discussion in 'SA4' started by Butters, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Butters

    Butters Member

    I'm mid-way through studying SA4 and the majority of chapters are strongly linked back to ST4 (for example, sponsor covenant is one that is definitely expected knowledge from ST4 for SA4).

    Having been through the majority of the chapters for SA4, is it safe to assume the following chapters from ST4 will not need to be revisited (for the purposes of studying SA4):
    - Benefit valuation models (chapter 13)
    - Process of population projections (chapter 14)
    - Social security systems: financial management (chapter 21)

    These chapters do not seem to appear anywhere in SA4, although are they still assumed knowledge from ST4? I'm a little worried about the quantity of material I may need to put to memory at this stage...
  2. Justine Peggs

    Justine Peggs ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    ST4 knowledge

    The SA4 Core Reading references the ST4 Core Reading as forming part of required reading for SA4.

    As you note some parts of SA4 directly reference the corresponding chapter in ST4, such as sponsor covenant, and obviously it is therefore more important that the ST4 Core Reading for these chapters are studied and they may (and have been) directly examined.

    I would agree that the ST4 chapters you reference that do not have a corresponding SA4 chapter are less likely to be examined but of course there are no guarantees as they are required reading.

    Your first priority may well be to make sure you are happy with (understand it, know it well, completed lots of practise on exam-style questions - see my last post) the SA4 Core reading and the ST4 Core Reading explicitly referenced within the SA4 chapters.

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