Flashcards or Revision Booklets?

Discussion in 'CA1' started by yeah_baby, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. yeah_baby

    yeah_baby Member

    What's the difference in terms of content between the flashcards and the revision booklets?

    I'm running short of time (still reading through the notes for the first time, only around 6 chapters to go at least!) and want to get something that's going to help me learn all the lists (through acronyms/mnemonics etc.) Will flashcards do that? I'm not really interested if the flashcards just contain Q&A Bank style questions ("You are the investment manager of a large life insurer..." etc. etc.) because I've got enough of those already. Alternatively, do the flashcards just contain all the core reading put onto hundreds of little cards?

    If the flashcards are just Q&A Bank style questions or just core reading, what about the revision booklets: are they the same thing in a booklet?

    Any advice/opinions would be welcomed - thanks.
  2. Lynn Birchall

    Lynn Birchall ActEd Tutor Staff Member


    The flashcards are intended to help with the learning and to cover the key points/lists that students are most likely to want to commit to memory. Each card (there are about 450) has a question on one side and the answer on the reverse. The questions are of the "State the 6 things you'd consider when doing X" type, rather than the exam-style "You are the investment manager....".

    The Revision Booklets (there are 12 of these) have all the Core Reading (with a set of integrated short questions to help in learning it), past exam questions (with summary solutions) from the last 10 years, detailed analysis of one past exam question per booklet and a few other bits to help in revision.

    I hope that helps with the content of the two. Maybe anyone who has used one or both of these might add their views on what they found useful?

    Good luck with the studying
  3. Erik

    Erik Member

    I think what you are looking for is the flashcards. I found them extremely useful for memorising my lists.
    The revision notes are also very useful for practising exam questions and they are arranged by topic. But if you feel that you've got enough exam practice then go for the flashcards only.
  4. yeah_baby

    yeah_baby Member

    Thanks for your advice - I've ordered the flashcards.

    Now the hard bit - learning them!

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