Failed CT6 twice

Discussion in 'CT6' started by actuary-to-be, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. actuary-to-be

    actuary-to-be Member

    Failed CT6 twice in this and the previous cohort. I feel like I know the material. Both times I was very close to the pass mark.

    What do you suggest I do different this time? I did quite a few papers but I run out of time in the actual exam..
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Sorry to read that. But fear not, many people stumble somewhere along the line - it's a question of working out your particular issue. From what you say it's timing, and harsh as it sounds sometimes not finishing a paper can cause narrow fails as often there may be easy marks you miss in the bits you didn't get to that could make the difference.

    You haven't said what your approach was beyond past papers before so hard to offer change in technique. Could it be you didn't do past papers in full conditions and rather split the paper and hence less aware of time. Doing a mock in strict time is always helpful - it can show where you make small errors that cost marks too, even if you complete the question. Can you make better use of your reading time?

    Is there a particular type of question where you consistently lose time? Eg is it the numeric ones where you aren't quick with a calculator? If so, practise these in strict conditions. If it's just little overruns here and there, practise past papers under strict time conditions. Or is it the theoretical ones and perhaps your pure maths needs a brush up. In the explain style questions do you write too much? Look at the model solutions to see how succinct they are - a great skill to acquire for later exams here too.

    If you really start getting bogged down on one question, do you move on? As I say you may pick up easier marks by doing so. This is especially valuable if you end up missing out a complete question others.

    Hope you can fathom out why you overrun, correct it and be successful next time.

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