Extra "items" on formats

Discussion in 'CP3' started by Trevor, Mar 25, 2022.

  1. Trevor

    Trevor Ton up Member


    What happens if we add additional items on top of the standard format of any given document?
    For example, the previous exams usually ask for a report. I will usually end the script with a line offering further help, with contact details. And then finally a sign off: "Yours sincerely, <name> <position>", although I have already written the author and date at the start of the report.

    However I have seen different solutions asking for a similar document but different format. For example in the 2020 September exam, we were asked for a "meeting paper", which I interpret as a report / meeting note. I would add on the standard closings, to offer further help and sign off.
    These however are not included in the sample solution, it ends with a conclusion without offering further help.

    Is it okay if I add these additional items?
    I have seen many marking schemes that award mark specifically for offering help and a formal sign off.
    At the same time it is difficult to distinguish between different document asked. To me, many of them falls under the category of "report", except if an email or letter is being asked.
  2. Helen Evans

    Helen Evans Ton up Member Staff Member

    Hi Trevor

    Thanks for your post. I think it is always a good idea to offer to answer questions and I would expect that normally the examiners will require us to do this and offer credit (and I wouldn't expect to be penalised for covering this even in the rare case where they have chosen not to in their model solution).

    I agree with your interpretation of 'meeting paper', the examiners have been happy with the same format as a report when they have asked for this in the past. I would though not include the 'Yours sincerely' etc as this isn't needed at the end of a report (and I wonder if they might penalise us if we did include it) as it isn't appropriate for that format, as you suggest really fits with a letter.

    Hope this helps, Helen
    Trevor likes this.
  3. Carmen Sim

    Carmen Sim Made first post


    Are we supposed to calculate the number of words and show it at the end of the paper?

    There were 5 marks for the length of answer in 2017 September and 2018 April paper. However this part of marking schedule is not in the more recent paper anymore.

  4. Helen Evans

    Helen Evans Ton up Member Staff Member

    Hi Carmen
    The requirement to meet a certain word count has now been removed from the exam, so no you do not need to calculate the number of words nor are there marks on offer explicitly on the marking schedule for being within a certain word count.

    Carmen Sim likes this.

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