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Extra exam sitting

Discussion in 'India' started by Muppet, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    I see the IAI are offering an extra exam sitting in December - interesting. Though I don't think they announced their switch to the UK 2019 structure that long ago and this seems reasonable to give people the chance to get the CT1/CT5 combo, say.
    buddingactuary and Calm like this.
  2. Infinity

    Infinity Member

    Can you send the link please?
  3. Muppet

    Muppet Member

  4. Infinity

    Infinity Member

    Google what is that? Can you send me the link?

    Anyway, so it appears that Indian IAI students will get an extra sitting in December. British IFoA students will not... since you have all completed the extensive diversity and ethics Training required by the IFoA, can anyone please advise me what they think of this?
  5. tess

    tess Member

    Interesting. In Australia it looks like we are following IFoA's (UK) lead and not having an extra exam sitting either. Shame, I was only 1 exam away from completing all my CT exams, now I'll have to do that new one...
    wzlee12 likes this.
  6. Infinity

    Infinity Member

    So it doesn’t bother you to have to repeat the exam and have to do two exams instead of one?

    It’s 250 study hours instead of 125
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2018
  7. tess

    tess Member

    It's disappointing as I found out too late to change my plans. I could have conceivably finished this year but oh well - that'll teach me for being a slowpoke when sitting my CT subjects...
  8. The extra sitting has a catch though. Ifoa will not recognize the December exam for exemptions.
  9. Infinity

    Infinity Member

    So Indian People, how was your extra exam sitting in December?
  10. almost_there

    almost_there Member

    IFoA appear rather inept in not being able to provide extra exam sitting.
  11. almost_there

    almost_there Member

    That gesture is too little too late from IFoA that doesn't atone for historic unfairness. Since for years and years the IFoA has granted exemptions to IAI exams, which are held about a month after IFoA's, so IAI students can take exams with both organisations and have 4 sittings each year instead of 2. This is clearly advantageous to IAI students.

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