Exposed to Risk - Q11.4

Discussion in 'CT4' started by Rob, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. Rob

    Rob Member

    In this question in Chapter 11, it states that the day of exit isn't included in the calculation of the exposed to risk?

    Why, for Life B, does the last day get counted? (Life B survives for the whole period of the investigation.) Is it simply because they survive throughout the entire period?

    Lives A and C leave the investigation part-way (A through death, C through withdrawal). The day of exit for these lives isn't counted, as per the question.

  2. Sharon

    Sharon Member

    I also had this question.

    Can you help at all John?
  3. Julie Lewis

    Julie Lewis Member

    You're right Rob - it's because Life B doesn't actually exit during the investigation, so he is exposed for the whole of the last day (31 Dec 2003).
  4. Rob

    Rob Member

    Thanks Julie.

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