Explaining Copulas to CEO!(Actuaries or Quants?)

Discussion in 'SP9' started by Edwin, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    Hi friends, here is a teaser;-

    Let's see if Actuaries can beat Quants at Communication.

    CEO - What's is a Copula?

    Quant; -


    Q2; (Aaron Brown, GARP Risk Manager of the year 2011)

    Actuary; - ???
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014
  2. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    An actuary who hasn't taken CA3 is likely to say:

    If the vector of random variables, X, has joint cumulative distribution function F with continuous marginal cumulative distributions \( {F_1}, \ldots ,{F_N} \) then the copula of the distribution F is the distribution function \( C({F_1}({x_1}), \ldots ,{F_N}({x_N})) \)

    The best non-technical description I had from a student defining a copula was: "It's like a glue that joins up different probabilities .. and some glues are stickier than others."
  3. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    I would try but eventually stop when I remember the CEO probably spent their school days wallowing; "I hate Maths!" and skipping classes.

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