Exams Appeal

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Vinny23, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. Vinny23

    Vinny23 Member

    Hello everyone,

    My friend has just sat ST2 and failed. He is considering the exams appeal. Has anyone done it before? Will that make any difference? or is the exams counselling more value for money? Please anyone can comment?
  2. Pede

    Pede Member

  3. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    I don't know of anyone who has successfully turned around a fail decision to a pass.
  4. pig

    pig Member

    Just had mine done for CA1 - they just confirm that you've failed and briefly comment why...

    £500 down the drain...
  5. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    Having had exam counselling twice for CA1, I think it depends on who you have as your counseller and what fail grade you had.

    1st attempt - FB - counselling was a waste of time, I basically got told I didn't write enough which I figured out from looking at the examiner's report anyway - my counselling report said just about as much.

    2nd attempt - FA - counselling was very useful, mind you i did get the principle examiner! He went through every single question in detail, explaining what I'd missed and what I would have needed to get those extra few points, with tips on what to look out for and how to tell what the examiners were looking for in terms of how questions were worded etc.

    Tempted to therefore say that exam counselling is probably only worth it if you were very very close, otherwise just accept your answers just weren't good enough, and study the examiner's reports religiously til you figure out what they want...
  6. bystander

    bystander Member

    I agree with Jeaneu.

    It's highly unlikely you'll get an overturn because at FA so many people have pawed over your script I doubt I more would swing it.

    Chalk it up to experience and focus on making the difference by whatever means suits you... extra tutorial, counselling, new qns. Try something new and it may just give you that extra perspective.

    Good luck
  7. pig

    pig Member

    But I guess you can't specify for the chief examiner to 'counsel' your paper?
  8. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    I guess not - i didn't even realise you could have the chief examiner! Though i have heard of other people having good exam counselling experiences with people other than the chief examiner so it's down to luck of the draw i guess!

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