Exam questions mapping to chapter topics

Discussion in 'SA4' started by LongTimeComing, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. Hi all.

    Doing this subject a few times now and I've done most questions available. However, I've not looked into the old subject 404 or subject A-Z papers for extra exam practice.

    Has anyone compiled a list of exam questions set 'back in the day' that are still relevant that they are willing to share?

    It would also be good if anyone has a list of exam questions along with the part of the course they test so as to focus on your weaknesses.

    Any help appreciated.

  2. Hi Long time coming

    I'm afraid we don't have a list of the 404 and older style questions that are still relevant. As a broad rule though, most of the past paper questions are still pretty useful to look at - you can easily rule out any questions which relate to bits and pieces of legislation that are no longer in place and any questions on things which are no longer on the syllabus.

    We also don't have a list of exam questions split by topic for this exam. It gets a bit difficult in the later exams to say which bit of the course each question is testing as some larger questions might be testing the majority of the course in one go!

    Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck with your revision and the exam!


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