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Exam Question Cross Reference Grid

Steven Chambers

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I was just wondering if a Cross Reference Grid for exam questions exists for SP5? Would it be in ASET or the Revision Booklets?

How would I go about manually creating this if it wasn't available?

Yes the 2024 ASET contained a grid that covered the 2014 to 2024 exams (but only the solutions for 4 years of exams). I can't provide that for free as its in our product. Revision booklets are grouped by chapter to a certain extent, in that each booklet contains the questions relating to a small group of chapters (but it doesnt have a chapter by chapter grid). I will be honest, it would be very hard to produce this yourself, as the questions in each exam don't state which chapter they are examining, and often examine different chapters in each sub part of the question. It would be a LOT of work.
Thanks, Colin, for your reply.

I was planning to buy the ASETs, but I didn't want to buy the Revision Booklets just for the grid. I already have CMP and Core Reading, so I wasn't sure I would benefit from the Revision Booklets, for the price.

On the website it says that the older ASET is not recommended, as it hasn't been updated since 2022 and to use the Examiner's reports instead. For SP5 I didn't think the syllabus had changed that much. Would the old asset be recommended?
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Yes, that is a general comment, to warn people that we havent updated the questions for core reading changes. This will be a more important warning for other subjects. As you say, the changes to SP5 have not been that significant over the years. The main change has actually been the removal of bookwork questions (which there used to be a lot of in SP5!) from the new exam format now that it is online. This makes older exams feel a bit different. But 99% of the questions are still relevant to the current core reading material. I think you get the cross reference grid back to 2014 if you buy the ASET that covers only the most recent papers in any case.
Thanks again.
This is my first online exam, indeed it's my first exam in 10 years! The amount of choice in the study materials is a little bit daunting, and I don't have my old CA1 or ST2 anymore to check against.
It sounds like the most recent ASET and the Online Classroom / Tutorials are my best bet.