Exam Question April 2006 Q5 - Performance Attribution

Discussion in 'SP5' started by John H, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. John H

    John H Member

    Hi there

    I am trying to work out how the examiners have performed the attribution analysi sis the solutions.

    I have managed to replicate all nnumbers in aa columns in the solution except the last 2:

    Alt Return - not sure what this is supposed to represent
    Stock - I don't see how there should be 2 columns for stock (I have replicated the first stock column)

    Can anyone help?

    Also I have not used the inceom in period data given in the question or the cash component. I assume it is included in the question for a reason.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Colin McKee

    Colin McKee ActEd Tutor Staff Member


    This is a tough question for us tutors to answer because the question is very long and detailed. Obviously we have put our thoughts down in the ASET which I think explains it, but it would take me a while to go through the method in this forum I am afraid.
    Sorry - hope you get there. It is a V dificult attribution question.
  3. John H

    John H Member

    I don't have the asset for this exam. It only goes back as far as 2008. Can you not just tell me what the terms stand for?
  4. Colin McKee

    Colin McKee ActEd Tutor Staff Member


    Hi, I have had a look at the Acted ASET and we have not replicated these columns. Nor are they present in any other attribution question. So I have no idea I am afraid. There is a "stock" column earlier, which is the stock selection profit, but I dont know what the later one is.

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