Exam Confirmations

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Dha, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Dha

    Dha Member

    I sent in my application a few weeks ago and haven't heard anything. I rang them and they said they don't have a record of receiving my application, but it might be sitting on soemone's desk, and maybe I should consider resending it?
    Has anyone else received confirmation? I'm kind of paranoid now!

    Also-why is the Institute so bad at admin?! How hard can it be?
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Are you in Belfast by any chance? There's been unofficial postal strike action there for around a week so our Irish contingent may be having no end of 'fun' with exam entries and submitting assignments etc.

    Seems to be a common running theme as I remember ActEd ended up using a postal service outside their normal area a couple of sittings ago when the exams were looming.

    Then there was last weeks news abour Royal Mails fine for lost & damaged post. Yours may be one of the unlucky envelopes that goes awol.

    Overall, I'd say you may be jumping the gun to blame the profession. Just send them another copy and secure your entry.
  3. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    I recieved confirmation within 10 days - you should send again. You might want to consider registered post or alternatively fax it to them.
  4. FatSam

    FatSam Member

    I never received confirmation and when i rang up they said they hadnt even had my application. So i did nothing, waited a week and rang them again and then they said they had processed it. Magical how that happened
  5. Dha

    Dha Member

    "Overall, I'd say you may be jumping the gun to blame the profession."

    I'm not blaming them for not getting it, I'm blaming them for not being able to say if they got it or not.

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