Estimated Passing Score

Discussion in 'SP9' started by Avi0013, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Avi0013

    Avi0013 Member

    I understand that The Profession does not release the passing score for the ST9 exams, but is there an "expectation" of approximately what it would be (40, 50, 60, etc.) which we can use to evaluate our own potential performance when taking series X exams or making 100 mark selections from the Q&A bank?
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    They don't publish any. If you got over 40 thats OK and you're doing well at 50+ I'd say.

    But always bear in mind
    a) your conditions
    b) the assignments aren't always the same level as the exam.
  3. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Don't get too hung up on absolute marks. When you are doing mocks or assignments etc, it is more important to consider:

    - am I improving?
    - could I achieve this result, or better, in exam conditions?
    - are there any gaps in my knowledge that I need to fill in?
    - could I improve my exam technique?
  4. Avi0013

    Avi0013 Member

    Oh, I know I grossly underestimated the amount of material and am in rather difficult straits. I just wanted some kind of gauge to see how probable, or remote truthfully, my chances are. Thank you both very much for the rules of thumb.

    I still have half a week to do practice exams, at least :)
  5. SpeakLife!

    SpeakLife! Member

    Bump. Anyone have any info on what % of the total points have been necessary to pass this exam? I've read 40 to 45%, but am uncertain.


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