Does trigonometry appear in CT series?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Shah Kamal, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Shah Kamal

    Shah Kamal Member

    Just want to know whether the knowledge of trigonometry required in any CT exams esp. in calculus.

    Could anyone pls reply on this?

  2. Pilate

    Pilate Member


    Not really. There is the odd sine and cosine in some of the statistical methods, (Box Muller, for example), but these are only minor parts of the course and are not the main things being examined.
  3. Shah Kamal

    Shah Kamal Member

    Many thanks for the information.
  4. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    Not in the form of space and measurment, but some integrals of functions involve sin cos tan etc. for example 1/(x^2 + a^2) involves arctan, or trying to integrate exp(x^2) which pops up alot involves polar coordinates, and countless other functions, calculus and trig really go hand in hand, especially when dealing with non-cartesian co-ordinate systems of which there are alot
  5. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    I remember when studying for CT8 there was a question with an integral that required one or another trig rule.

    I could not remember it, but it was possible to solve it without the rule (example solution showed it with the rule).

    I would say that trig rules will generally not make the difference between pass and fail, it rarely shows up in exams.

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