Does ST9 require CA1?

Discussion in 'SP9' started by Jlem16, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Jlem16

    Jlem16 Member


    I have just finished studying the CT exams (although feel there is a strong possibility I may have to resit CT8...!) and am trying to decide what to sit over the summer. I can't yet do CA2 or CA3 and will sit CA1 over the winter.

    I'm really interested in studying for ST9 but a couple of people have mentioned that it might be tough going if I haven't yet seen CA1. Does anyone have any advice?

    Thanks! :)
  2. limamichelle

    limamichelle Active Member

    CAn anyone shed some light on this question? also considering the same thing
  3. morrisja

    morrisja Member

    I'd advise against it.. CA1 introduces a lot of concepts that are very useful for studying the ST subjects in general, ST9 included. It's not that it couldn't be done (I'd imagine someone has tried it), but I think it would be much more difficult.

    CA1 also helps to bring the standard of exam and study technique up to a level needed to pass an ST, something that CT subjects don't really do.

    I think at least a good attempt at CA1 is advisable before trying an ST. It's totally possible you could pass an ST without having attempted CA1, but I don't think it's worth the effort (as CA1 gives a foundation of knowledge and exam technique for ST's). The ST's will still be there once you have taken CA1.. so there's no rush :D
  4. David Wilmot

    David Wilmot ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Absolutely support what morrisja has said - especially the point about CA1 developing the necessary exam skills for the later subjects.

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