Discussion Forum

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Mathildachen86, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Just wonder if there is a site similar to actuarialpost where students are discussing exam questions and results. I know that this site is supposed to do the same thing but judging from the replies to the exam discussions, I don't feel this site is as alive as the US exam discussion forums.

    Just to give some hint on how the exam discussions are like over there - for one of their recent exam - exam 5. http://www.actuarialoutpost.com/actuarial_discussion_forum/showthread.php?t=294130

    111 pages and counting.

    This is so disappointing that the exam material/tuition material are so limited for UK exams, and also the discussion and popularity of the UK exams are very discouraging. I wish I have chosen US exams but it is too late to switch tracks as I am already in my late stage of completing UK exams.
  2. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    Perhaps all the Students studying the UK exams have their heads down studying! You could read half of CA1 instead of those 111 pages.

    Forum traffic tends to pick up before the exams rather than after them over here. Obviously some people like to discuss exams but there are lots out there who think that you can't do much about it now, and so think their energy is better spent moving on.

    I wouldn't conclude that forum traffic is a representation of the "popularity" of the UK exams.

    Just keep posting and those that want to will join in.

    Good luck.
  3. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    There's no other site for the IFoA exams that I'm aware of. The linked in group seems very quiet. There are some facebook groups discussing exams but these are overwhelmingly Indian students.

    There used to be more comments before the profession introduced the no talking about exams until the whole exam session is finished. I wonder if by this point most students have moved on mentally....

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