Definition of Mix of business/ business mix

Discussion in 'SP8' started by Minh Ho, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. Minh Ho

    Minh Ho Very Active Member

    Hi everyone,

    What is your understanding of business mix/ mix of business?
    Based on Google search:
    A business mix is a combination of products or services the company sells, activities it’s engaged in, or customer groups it targets. Often, a diversified business mix means higher stability and lower risks.
    But throughout the exams I have tried to take, business mix only means:
    - The customer groups it targets (insured person, location, etc)

    For example, in SP8 April Exam question 3, the solution does not provide any thing about combination of products/ services.
    Could you help me clarify?
    Thanks very much,
  2. Katherine Young

    Katherine Young ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Google's definition is broadly ok, but it isn't really talking about general insurance. Your own description of business mix is fine.

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