CT9 - Legal Awareness Videos

Discussion in 'CT9' started by Dan__2, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. Dan__2

    Dan__2 Member

    To use the "Contract" law section as an example, there are 9 videos each of approximately 30 minutes long each (any of which the IFoA does significant justice by only suggesting they are "dry"). The key issue is that these videos are listed in alphabetical order despite clearly having an order that would make sense to watch them in - for this example, a few minutes in to the "Terms of Contracts" video it outlines what the other videos in the chapter are.

    This is making study frustrating and terribly ineffective. 27 videos (~13.5 hours if all 30 mins) - I'm not sure how this is justified in the context of what CT9 is trying to achieve.

    Has anyone had more success than I'm currently experiencing in navigating through the Elite Law College videos (e.g. figuring out a sensible order for the videos).

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