CT7 April 2014

Discussion in 'CT7' started by Sarahlouise_23, May 7, 2014.

  1. What did you all think of the exam?

    I thought the MCQs were difficult but the 4/5 mark questions and the two 10 mark questions were ok.
  2. charly27

    charly27 Member

    I also thought there were some not very nice multiple choice questions, especially compared with previous years... the last 2 questions were okay although I'm not sure if I got enough points for the current account question, I felt like I didn't have a lot to say!

    I didn't like the question on the effect on exchange rates, the one with the graph? Wasn't sure if the demand and the supply curves were both supposed to move or just one?!
  3. Pepps

    Pepps Member

    When doing past papers there would always be 1 or 2 MCQ's that I found tricky but this time there were about 8 that I left and came back to at the end so agreed they were harder than usual.

    That exchange rate graph question was odd, I decided to write out my explanation for each answer rather than just state which is the new curve. Not sure if that will help or not if I haven't got exactly the right answer.

    Otherwise I thought the paper was fine, both long questions being split into 2 parts was a bonus.

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