CT5 without CT4

Discussion in 'CT5' started by hi5, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. hi5

    hi5 Member

    Would it be hard to attempt CT5 before CT4?

    And how much of a disadvantage would it be from the exam point of view.

  2. RyuVI

    RyuVI Member

    I would also like to know the answer to this... I think that you need the 2nd half of CT4 first but I'm not positive.
  3. Yeah I wouldn't advise anyone to do CT5 before CT4, you'd be making a tough exam even harder doing it that way! You do need the second half of CT4 in CT5, i.e. the old 104 part.

    Why don't you do them together?
  4. Dha

    Dha Member

    I agree, you'd just be making things hard for yourself. You need to have a good idea of the 2nd half of CT4 to understand CT5.
  5. FatSam

    FatSam Member

    If you were talking about 104 and 105 then I would whole heartedly agree. You definitely need 104 to do 105.
    But as I understand it, all the commutation functions stuff has been removed from CT4 and is now in CT5. And as far as I recall, thats the kind of thing you need to know.
    So, in conclusion, I would probably say its not as hard as it used to be and most definitely doable. A guy at work I know is doing this and he seems to be having little difficulty.
  6. Erik

    Erik Member

    My advice would be to order CT4 notes and work through chapters 4,5,7 before starting with CT5. (4,5,7 are easy chapters and you'll be able to work through them quickly). I think without the knowledge of these chapters, youre going to find CT5 harder than it should be. Especially the markov model is explained in detail in CT4, but is taken to be known in CT5's chapter 12.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2006
  7. hi5

    hi5 Member

    Thanks everyone for the input.

    i presume i will be able to manage CT5 rather than the relatively harder CT4 along with the paper of CT6 in April.

    So does it mean that if I do chp 4,5,7 of CT4 then the rest of CT5 will not cause problems due to the absence of CT4 knowledge?

    Thanks again to all
  8. Erik

    Erik Member

    I would say so, yes.

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