CT5 September Exam

Discussion in 'CT5' started by ekla_cholo_re, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. ekla_cholo_re

    ekla_cholo_re Member


    Just wanted to know the views of other students + tutors as to what they thought of the CT5 Sept exam paper? I found the paper was very trickly, especially the last question. Even the question on mortality profit were tricky.

    What do other people think? Please share your views.

    Ekla Cholo Re
  2. KatherineH

    KatherineH Member


    I didn't think it was too bad, the questions were all pretty standard. The only tough one was the mortality profit based on a life assurance contract with two lives. This subject has never come up before because mortality profit used to be tested in 104 when contracts with two lives had not been introduced (that came up in 105). Hence there were no past questions on it. But I guess everyone was in the same boat on that one.

    Good luck to all with the results!

  3. Julie Lewis

    Julie Lewis Member

    CT5 exam

    I thought it was a pretty fair paper, and I was happy to see that the pensions question had an appropriate number of marks allocated to it. The mortality profit question was tough though, and I'm pretty sure that a lot of people would have had problems with this one.

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