Ct4 (103)

Discussion in 'CT4' started by WhoWantsToBeAnIFA, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Well then, how did everyone find it? I don't even want to speculate whether or not i've passed this. September 2005, I found the paper a nightmare and got an FB (3 -7 marks below pass). April 2006, I was dead certain i'd passed it - then got an FB. This time the feeling isn't as good as April 2006 but better than September 2005. One thing I know for sure is that this subject is more in my long term memory than any other CT subject and by a long shot. When you get to attempt 4 (when you've previously only ever got to attempt 2) you know theres something wrong.

    Its been a good 4 years since i studied 104 - worked real hard for it and passed it on second attempt. Now I have to get ready to lose that pass so you can imagine how p*ss*d off I will be if the worse should happen! The 103 exam has always been notorious for being unfair - it was previously near impossible so you got people who had a vague understanding getting it! Now you have people who have a thorough understanding failing it and the icing on the cake, having their previous exams taken away from them!

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