
Discussion in 'CT3' started by howard, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. howard

    howard Active Member

    Hi all
    In CT3-10 page 23, the penultimate line reads "= var[g] + 0 + bias^2 ..."
    Why is the middle term 0 ?
  2. KaustavSen

    KaustavSen Member

    Hello Howard,
    The middle term is \(0\) because the middle term corresponds to the expression \(\mathbb{2(E[g]-\theta)E[g - E[g]]}\) which can be simplified as follows

    \mathbb{2(E[g]-\theta)E[g - E[g]]} &= \mathbb{2(E[g]-\theta)(E[g]-E[E[g]])} \\
    &= \mathbb{2(E[g]-\theta)(E[g]-E[g])} \\
    &= \mathbb{2(E[g]-\theta)\times0} \\
    &= 0
    For the second step I have used the fact that the expected value of a constant is the constant itself. So, \(\mathbb{E[E[g]] = E[g]}\)

    Hope this helps.
    John Lee likes this.

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