CS1B 201909 1iv)

Discussion in 'CS1' started by singingmyblues, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. singingmyblues

    singingmyblues Keen member

    The question asks us to comment on the difference between confidence intervals, created in a bootstrap vs parametric way. Why would you say the bootstrap CI is smaller is because the distribution of X is not normal (the examiner report says this)? I think it can be because the bootstrap is using a bigger sample of 10000 (the bootstrapped sample created using replicate) whereas the t.test sample is just length(x)
  2. singingmyblues

    singingmyblues Keen member

    another question in 201909
    3iv) I seem to get different results running

    y = 0*(1:1000) # generate a vector of size 1000
    for (i in 1:1000){
    y = sum(rexp(15, 2))


    # Parameters
    n <- 15
    lambda <- 2
    B <- 1000

    # Generate Bootstrap samples
    bootstrap_samples_Y <- replicate(B, sum(sample(rexp(n, lambda), replace = TRUE)))

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