CPD requirements

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Minh Pham, May 15, 2021.

  1. Minh Pham

    Minh Pham Member

    Hi all. What will happen if I do not complete my CPD requirements? The CPD FAQs state that:

    "There will no longer be disciplinary consequences for failure to comply with the CPD Scheme, except in cases where the Actuaries’ Code has been breached. Instead, the IFoA is aiming to better support members in meeting their needs and to assist members in their professional development. However, members are still required to comply with the Actuaries’ Code and this requires members to develop their knowledge and skill in a manner appropriate to their role."

    What does this actually mean? Does it mean that essentially nothing will happen if you don't do your CPD?

    Link to the FAQs: https://www.actuaries.org.uk/system/files/field/document/2021_03_29 FAQS FOR PUBLICATION v4.pdf
    pjlee01 likes this.

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