CP2 - spacing in word document and copying directly from question pdf

Discussion in 'CP2' started by yuli2513, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. yuli2513

    yuli2513 Very Active Member


    I have two general questions:
    • In the exam instructions, it is asked to use double spacing. However, there is normally a limitation on pages (e.g. 5-7 pages). Do we continue with double spacing or do we follow the formatting in the example audit trails from past exams? (Same question for CP3)?
    • Are we allowed to directly copy from the question pdf and paste to the word/excel file (as opposed to typing it out)?
    Thank you very much!
  2. ntickner

    ntickner Very Active Member

    Don't worry too much about spacing. What's important is decent formatting (headings, bold, readability, etc) and a decent length. 5-7 pages is a guideline based on how much you should be writing - less than that, and you're probably not saying enough. More than that and you're either putting in big graphs, or too many graphs, or saying too much, or repeating yourself. Some of those things aren't good...

    Copying from the question is not allowed (apart from the assumptions provided in the audit trail in Paper 2). You can usually get away with copying complicated formulas, provided you define the notation, and make it clear you know what's going on. Even then, it's better to do it yourself using simplified notation. Things like copying the audit trail methodology description into the summary for Paper 2 (with minor editing to take out the spreadsheet references) will be severely penalised. Don't do it.
    yuli2513 likes this.
  3. yuli2513

    yuli2513 Very Active Member

    Thank you very much for the detailed answer! May I ask if paraphrasing is a good idea? Sometimes I find it inevitable to repeat some backgrounds in the "Purpose" or "Data Description" sections. But as you mentioned, I do notice the warnings in examiner's reports... so hesitating what's the best way to deal with it.
  4. ntickner

    ntickner Very Active Member

    Yes - rephrasing things in your own words is fine.
    Note that in Paper 2 where you're given the audit trail, you should keep in mind that the audience for an audit trail (largely, the fellow student) is different from the summary (the senior actuary) and the rephrasing should take that into account.
    yuli2513 likes this.
  5. yuli2513

    yuli2513 Very Active Member

    Thank you!

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