CP2 and CP3

Discussion in 'CP3' started by Ananya Jain, Sep 18, 2020.

  1. Ananya Jain

    Ananya Jain Member

    Hi all! Trust you are doing well. I am giving both CP2 and CP3 this September diet and wanted to know any tips or tricks that one would like to share for these two exams to increase the probability of passing.

    I have given CP2 before however, failed by 3-4 marks primarily due to modeling issues in the first paper which I have tried to overcome for my next attempt.

    Further, for CP3 I got my recent 3-4 exam scripts reviewed by cousin sister/brother/father to understand whether they are able to interpret the saying in the document or not and they were able to.

    Any further help would be highly appreciated! Don't know why but I am stressing out a lot!
  2. Satk

    Satk Active Member

    Hi Ananya, for paper 1 in CP2, try to complete the model within 1 hour (apart from 15 minutes reading time) and give at least 1:45 to 2 hours to audit trail. Make sure to include reasonable checks in audit trail as well as some automated checks in the model as this is the area where students not able to score good marks.
    For paper 2, most of the students not able to score marks in interpretation of results (which carry 23-25 marks). This is the area where you should focus. Other section like next steps, models, assumptions etc. are standard one which you need to change according to the model given. And for paper 2, try to update the model within 45 minutes (excluding reading time).

    Also, practice some past papers in exam conditions.
    Best of luck:)
    Ananya Jain likes this.
  3. Helen Evans

    Helen Evans Ton up Member Staff Member

    Hi Ananya
    In relation to CP3, a good idea that you have asked family to review your answers, this helps you understand whether you are pitching your answer at the right level. Do make sure you have a 'plan' for the exam as well, eg are you intending to follow the RASER process set out in the course notes? Finally on the day if you are in any doubt about whether terms / concepts will be understood look to err on the simple side rather than risk losing many marks because the communication is deemed too complex for the audience to understand.
    Best of luck :)
    Cylene Belgrave likes this.
  4. Ananya Jain

    Ananya Jain Member

    Thank you so much for your valuable input! It really helps in time management for CP2!
  5. Ananya Jain

    Ananya Jain Member

    Thank you Helen for your valuable input! I hope I clear both in this attempt itself!

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