Core reading - Separate

Discussion in 'SP9' started by Edwin, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    Hi everyone,

    I did ST6 and the structure is the same as ST9 with references to other texbooks, but I rememeber that I was able to get ST6 core - reading separately.

    Does anyone know why ACTED doesn't give out ST9 core - reading because I ordered it but was turned down?
  2. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    In both ST6 and ST9 there is a limited amount IFoA-produced Core Reading but the vast majority of the required reading is found in the textbooks. We don't sell "Core Reading" in either subject because the full CR really includes the textbooks, and there isn't much extra.

    In ST6, the extra Core Reading is presented separately at the end of the Course notes - this is probably what you can remember seeing. There are about 100 pages.

    In ST9, the extra Core Reading has been interspersed within the ActEd chapters in the usual way, although the chapters themselves are mainly summarising the required reading in the textbooks.

    We're not convinced that separating out this extra Core Reading from ActEd's summary notes would be that beneficial, but if you really want it then please drop us another email and we'll arrange. There's about 100 pages, but if you exclude the glossary, the syllabus, all the references to the textbooks and blank pages, it's a lot less than that.

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