Considering studying CT5

Discussion in 'CT5' started by John H, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. John H

    John H Member

    I sat my 1st 2 actuarial subjects in September (CT1 and CT3) and was intending to sit CT7 and CT4 next sitting but have realised that they are both in the 1st week. Is it possible to take CT5 without having attempted CT4 in the past? My background is a maths degree.

    Can anyone advise me?

    Many Thanks

  2. fiend

    fiend Member

    This was asked before and I think the answer was without some of the chapters it will be a bit hard. It doesn't go into a lot of details and assumes knowledge of CT4.

    Why don't you try CT6?
  3. Voodoo_Child

    Voodoo_Child Member

    I'd disagree with you fiend, personally, I have always felt that CT4 & CT6 are quite similar conceptually and maybe be better sitting together or 6 after 4.

    CT5 is very much a computational exam which is very time pressured. Out of everything in the exam Exposed to Risk is probably the most difficult thing to understand. As long as your pure maths skills are decent, and you have plenty of time to do loads of past papers and learn proofs, then CT5 is doable especially with CT7 (which is fairly easy as long as you read and read and read!)
  4. yes

    yes, you can easily take ct5 exams. There are few concepts from ct4 but not much. It's relatively easier than ct4 and ct6.:)

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